January is finally here, which means that the gym is going to be busy with people looking to burn off those holiday treats and get back into shape for the new year. Fitness resolutions are made by countless people every New Year’s Day, but without a strategic plan in place these resolutions tend to fizzle fast.
Follow these tips to set yourself up for success at the gym all throughout the year:
1. Schedule your workout time like it’s a meeting, and stick to it.
As previously mentioned, the gym WILL get busy at this time of the year – so be strategic about picking your workout time. If you’re a little intimidated by crowds, don’t plan your workout during peak hours, which tend to be after the workday at around 4:30pm-7:30pm. Consider moving your workout to the early morning or later in the evening. By defining a certain time slot as your official gym “me time,” you make working out a habit that you can look forward to each day.
2. Say it loud. Say it proud.
Verbalize your fitness goals to someone you know – whether it’s a friend, a family member or everyone on your favorite social media networks. When you tell others about your future intentions it makes the process more real, and you will be held accountable.
3. Be realistic.
If you’re at the beginning of your fitness journey, don’t set yourself up for failure by aiming for a goal way beyond your current ability. For example, if you have never worked out before you might not want to resolve to “work out seven times a week for more than one hour each time.” Instead, a more appropriate goal might be to eat out only once weekly and hit the gym 3-4 times per week. Everyone is at different stages and has unique needs. By making mini-goals that lead up to bigger goals, you’re more likely to find yourself making greater strides.
4. Tune out all of the resolution naysayers.
Some people will have comments about others making fitness resolutions, and even you may think that weight loss resolutions never work – but that’s not always true! Two years ago, my weight training journey started as a New Year resolution. I’m sure many who saw my intention thought it would burn down after a while, but by taking it day-by-day, working hard and truly believing in myself, my fitness resolution became my new lifestyle.
As we approach the coming year, visualize what you want your life to be like and then work, work, work to see it through. Anything is possible when you’re committed to making your dreams a reality.
Summer is officially here! Whether it’s poolside or during your FIT workout routine, enjoy our