Surprising Benefits of Ashtanga Yoga

Many people do yoga for physical benefits. However, yoga is a way of life. It is about the union of body, soul, spirit, and mind. If you want to reap all the benefits and achieve that balance, consider practicing one of the oldest forms of yoga, Ashtanga yoga in Poway or neighboring areas.

In Sanskrit, ashtanga means “having eight limbs or branches (components)”. According to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, there is a practice called the Eightfold Path that leads to self-awakening and liberation. Ashtanga yoga, as the name says, outlines all eight limbs of yoga and develops both psychological and spiritual health. It focuses on a predefined sequence of poses that are connected through breath and movement. Take a look at a few amazing benefits this yoga style can bring.

Physical strength

Ashtanga yoga focuses on muscle training and develops physical strength. Practicing Ashtanga rejuvenates your body, making it stronger, toned, more flexible and controlled.

The opening series includes lots of contortion-esque poses and many of them require core and arm strength. Your stamina and endurance will gradually improve and you’ll have stronger core muscles. Another advantage of Ashtanga is that you can move through the practice at your own pace and level.

Effective cardio workout

Ashtanga is great if you need a cardio workout. It will help you to get in shape, manage your weight and stay fit, all that, while doing long slow deep breathing! When done swiftly, these movements can effectively raise your heart rate.

Sequences of Ashtanga postures are done in a continuous, fast-paced way and the dynamic flow of the asanas (postures) may give you the sense of intensity. If you prefer more vigorous styles of yogic practice, Ashtanga is just the right style for you.

Good coordination

Ashtanga yoga is a powerful tool to tune the body. It improves focus, balance and coordination. A swift and intense set of asanas instills a better sense of rhythm and increases your awareness of the movement and flow of your body.

Emotional benefits

This style of yoga also emphasizes emotional and mental flexibility and strength. Asanas can affect not only your muscles and joints but also your emotions and enable purification.

By practicing Ashtanga, you will find a balance between feelings and emotions. It will help you deal with emotionally difficult situations, work through the pain and suppressed emotions, and overcome them. The equilibrium in your emotions will cause your organs and your whole body to work more efficiently and you will realize how strongly connected your body and mind are.

Mental healing

Ashtanga yoga will keep your body moving in coordination with the breath. Breath awareness is particularly important in this practice. This sort of moving meditation and constant focus on the breath will purify and still your mind, relieve you of stress and allow you to alter patterns of unwanted behavior.

Ashtanga will bring you back to yourself and keep you centered on a daily basis. This practice teaches us to move beyond our mind, attain inner union and deep realization. Start practicing Ashtanga yoga in Poway and get in a state of being calm, energized, relaxed, and liberated.

Spiritual well-being

As we already mentioned, there is a set of specific sequences based on the practitioner’s skill and experience that every Ashtangi has to follow. Repeating the same poses in the exact order has its purpose and the benefits are not only physical. It awakens your spiritual self.

The first four limbs cleanse your external and teach you how to interact with the world around you. The next four limbs focus on withdrawal, cleansing the internal and how you relate to your mind.

You will face your sore spots and work through your challenges until you reach mental clarity and gain a better understanding of the self. Through the practice of postures, focus points and breathing, you will be able to explore the limitless nature of your inner self.

#1 Ashtanga Yoga Poway

Ashtanga yoga comes with plenty of other benefits, helping you to lead a healthy, happy and fruitful life. If you want to practice this yoga style and you live in San Diego, reach out to Fit Athletic. We are a unique health club and fitness center, a place where you can unwind, work out, rejuvenate and take a break from your busy life.

Enroll in our Ashtanga yoga class and our knowledgeable and attentive yoga teachers will be there every step of the way of your growth in the practice. We will ensure that the class suits your level of experience and guide you through each and every posture. At Fit Athletic, you will experience the best Ashtanga yoga Poway has to offer!

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